Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Exhibitions On Exhibit!

Cool stuff happening! First off, last week there was a cool design exhibition that I went to called Designblok. Basically, it's a huge exhibition space for all types of designers to showcase their latest projects. It's a pretty big deal-- and what's cool about it is the sheer diversity of representation. There were big corporations like Nikon and Coca Cola with exhibits, but one room over you'd find jewelry and sculptures made by local artists. In fact, Kristyna (who took us there) was involved with one of the installments, a cool multi-media collaboration involving fashion, music and film.




The perfect conversation piece for any home.

Made entirely out of stencils of the word "nobody." That's deep, yo.
In general, Prague has a lot of stuff like this. It has a very quirky art culture that largely incorporates multi-media. A couple weeks ago Kristyna (our resident taker-to-cool-places) took us to an awesome photography exhibition called "Controverze," which means "flamingo waffles" in Czech.

...Or "controversy." Whatever.

This has got to be the coolest/only photography exhibit I've ever been to. The theme of the collection was photos that were surrounded by controversy when they were released. Each photo had an incredible story behind it, so the exhibit took about 500 years to get through because you HAD to read every story. The cool part is that at the beginning of the exhibit they gave you these little prong things, and at every photo there was a stack of pages with that photo's story printed on it, and you could put the pages onto the prongs. SO by the end, you wound up with a cool little book of stories about controversial photos. NEAT-O!

Ugh... I'm so full. Alex, who's also in the FS program, has his family visiting Prague, and they made us dinner. Lolwut, like mac n' cheese? Ha... try LEGIT GREEK CUISINE. Good gravy that was delicious.

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